December 3, 2022

User ‘soda’ has sent us these three beautiful images that they generated with a special model blend that they invented, and even shared the model recipe with us!

To generate the model used to make these images, use the following recipe:

  1. Merge ‘samdoesartsmerge’ with ‘arcane diffusion’ at 50%.

  2. Merge the previous result with ‘inkpunk’ at 50%.

Give it a try and let us know what you think! We’d love to see what you make with it, so don’t be shy about sending in those gens!

User Submitted

Got a Stable Diffusion image sequence or blend you’d like to share? Send it to for a chance to have it featured on the website!

Please include model(s) used (and their ratios), prompt and negative prompt, seed, sampler used, CFG and number of steps with your submission - or any other necessary information to recreate your images. And let me know if you’d like to use your name/nickname or be anonymous.